Case Study: The Ryness Company

Ryness Company decided on a proactive move to protect its flanks from competition

A new home sales and marketing group, Ryness called on The Media Trainers® to help sharpen the communications skills of its senior executives and new business development managers

The Challenge

Ryness could see the tide of increased competition, and the company was beginning to execute plans to expand from the Western U.S. into the East.  Additionally, more and more business was moving from the ‘burbs into city centers, and Ryness wanted to be an even bigger player in-town.

Why They Chose The Media Trainers®

A savvy sales consultant on retainer to Ryness became aware of The Media Trainers® unique and effective communications training program.  Highly interactive and challenging, TMT’s Media Skills Development Workshop brought all the key messaging elements Ryness wanted to help give its highly respected sales team even more tools to increase their persuasive skills with clients and prospects.  After observing a TMT Media Skills Development Workshop, Ryness was convinced the basic techniques and principles in that seminar had tremendous application to the company’s news business development communications requirements.

The Results

The two day workshop based on TMT’s 10 Rules of Interviewing© armed the 12 participants with two valuable tools that were quickly embraced by the company:  Participant feedback was extremely positive:

  • “It was a great experience—I think everyone gained valuable tools that will help our team succeed both internally and in gaining new clients.”
  • “We will definitely bring you back for further training for our organization.”  (from the CEO)
  • “Excellent framework and game plan to improve our effectiveness and ability to persuade and close more transactions.”
  • “Great seminar.  Loved the ability to practice what I learned in front of my peers.”

Secure TMT’s Workshop for your team

Highly interactive and customized to your specific sales communications challenges,  offers a unique, exclusive and streamlined approach and set of tools to focus your new business development staff members on client needs and to be prepared to deliver positive, persuasive statements and responses.

The Media Trainers®

4220 Cove Court, NE
Marietta, GA 30067