• Executive Rewind: What’s Happening to Our Grammar?
    Friday February 28, 2020

    I remember learning about comparatives in grade school, so when did… …Happier become more happy? …Easier become more easy? …Faster become more fast? …Larger become more large? …Smaller become more small? …Higher become more high? …Taller become more tall? …Fatter become more fat? …Bigger become more big? …Sadder become more sad? …Simpler become more simple? […]

  • What Happened to Comparatives?
    Wednesday January 11, 2012

    By Eric M. Seidel, CEO The Media Trainers, LLC When did “healthier” become “more healthy?” Or, when did “smarter” become “more smart?” Or, when did “stronger” become “more strong?” The rules for these things we call comparatives keep getting broken: 1. One syllable words form the comparative by adding -er and -est: brave, braver, bravest […]