Executive Rewind: Who’s Talking About Your Business?

Customer and investor perceptions of your business could be subject to the opinion of third party “experts.”  These experts are a staple of the news media, and provide a seemingly bottomless source of talking heads.

For example:

Plant-derived foods are making a significant impact both on Wall Street and on restaurant and household menus. Who are the winners and losers, so far? Fox Business Network called on Alantra, a leading global investment bank and asset management firm, for expert commentary:

Robards picks two winners in the meatless category:

That’s good news for Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. So who gets a bad grade? He says Tyson Foods:

But Robards says good product has to be accompanied by good execution. A case in point, a Beyond Meat customer has temporarily stopped offering a Beyond Meat product because of a supply shortage.

And by the way, experts also are known to delve into predicting trends.

Are you regularly monitoring for the media for stories, including third party conjecture, about your business and industry? It’s fairly easy. It’s also advisable to have a strong offense as your best defense. An intelligent proactive media strategy gives you an advantage. Identify your audiences, compose your messages and get ahead of any potential “unsanctioned” comments by making yourself available to the media best positioned for your advantage.

In today’s world of instant global communication,
“Anyone who talks about you…or your business…is media!”
The Media Trainers®, LLC

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